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Suggestion: add the "hololive" tag to your game to give it more visibility!

Cute short story. I enjoyed it very much!

I have a couple of suggestions for improvement:

  1. I don't know if it was on purpose, but the character sprites all had some sort of white outline, as if they were cardboard posters. If it wasn't intended, maybe you need to check their transparency values.
  2. You should set some sort of frames per second limiter or v-sync. The game was using 98% of my RTX2070 even while in the background. This is way too much for a 2d visual novel with very little action on the screen.

Overall, good job on this game! :)

Thanks for feedback!

The outlines were on purpose to make them seem like paper cutouts at the end of a stick (like a cheap puppet theater kind of thing).

And really thanks for the heads up on the performance, I'll see if I can fix that.